SCI Crunch Time Kiddies

Kiddies – Crunch time for grades – The above timeline, available here in PDF form, must be filled in complete in order for you to show me your Timeline. I have had ONE person come and talk with me about it – and that is the little German frauline. Helmi and Natalie are up first. Nobody has run their list by me at lunch or after school, even though I made it clear I was available at both times. Remember, if that rubric is not thorough, or if your timeline is lacking specific requirements, it will be graded down. Your responsibility to note those dates and themes and explain them on the front.  Your responsibility to have two people present that timeline to me.  Your responsibility to set up a time; because you know we won’t be squeezing them all in on Friday and I cannot provide you all late passes.  Remember, your timeline is a 100 point project grade and a 100 point CA grade.

In addition I have had two Flip its turned in. This assignment has been out there for three or four weeks. It is due on Friday at the beginning of the period. I don’t know what you all are doing on these test days…but you aren’t touching base with me. I hope you are prepared walking in the door manyana. If you’re absent – I still expect the Flip iT in and the timeline done. The Flip it can be Google docs – drop off the camera / that is if you did a movie. The Timeline assignment is due…if one individual is present.

I hope that I am underestimating you all right here and that you walk in bright eyed and bushy tailed on Friday with all assignments complete. You might want to stop by and touch base today with me – at lunch or after school.

Good luck y’all.

Mr Wood

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