My Mom / Connie Wood /1933 to 2012

Please go here to learn more about my mom.

My mom lived life awake, passionate, and involved; she made a difference in her community, her family, and in the world.  She understood that we all have a responsibility to get involved and she took that challenge to task almost every single day of her life.  The causes to which she provided focus and those individuals within the community whom she volunteered her services to and with, were made more rich through her sincerity and her contributions.  And we (Amy, Andy, Dad, and I) were ultimately the most fortunate to have her in our family.


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5 Responses to My Mom / Connie Wood /1933 to 2012

  1. Zachary Jenkins

    I’m sorry for your loss, and I wish the best for all of you. She sounds like a wonderful and active person in not only the lives of her family but the community as well.

  2. Sandy

    What a wonderful tribute to your mom. It was so nice sharing coffee with you this morning. It isn’t easy losing a parent. Fortunately, you were able to spend many years with your mom. After someone passes, the memories shared stay with us and help us through the grieving. Stay positive! You make a difference in the lives of so many students. Keep on teaching. We look forward to seeing you again soon for a cup of java.

  3. Tom

    Hello Bob,

    Thank you for sharing. I lost my dad when I was 18, so I never had develop the memories like you did with your mom. I think your mom is in the category of “super mom”. The world needs moms like yours, caring, supportive, and trying to make social changes. You are extension of her, trying to help young adults understanding the world they live in and motivate for human understanding.
    See you have coffee.

  4. Amanda Hentsch

    I’m so sorry to hear about your mom Mr. Wood. She was a great woman who taught you many things.

    • bobwoodmsu

      Thank you Amanda. I appreciate you kindness. I hope that you are doing well and that you and mom are healthy. Stay awake!