SCI – Sailing Away from the Safe Harbor

College Scholarship Searches – 2012/13

“Twenty years from now,  you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do, than by the ones that you did.  So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore. Dream.”   – Mark Twain

Many of you signed up for Senior Current Issues in an effort to help focus yourself on upcoming decisions regarding September 2013.  You also were looking for time to work on college scholarships.  Marking Period #3 will be dedicated to that purpose.  However, in order to be successful you’ll need to be highly organized.  Consequently, you will be required regular assignments and evaluations.  Below I have organized your requirements.

#1 – Notebook Organization (30 pts)  Resume, Activity Sheet, Personal statement, and LOR . You need to also retain these documents in Word format (to be used later for placement in an online blog).  Place a hard copy in your notebook.  Have them organized and ready to go by the end of MP #2.

#2 – Regular Evaluations (30 pts)  I will meet regularly with every student the rest of the year – and on a weekly basis in MP#3.  We will set goals regarding college visits, applications, and scholarships.   Every two weeks we will decide on a thirty point grades based on your efforts at meeting your stated goals.

#3 – Posted Scholarship Updates  – Please go here for an example of Scholarship updates posted to the back wall.  In the past these posts have helped to keep students focused on Next Fall and working towards a successful outcome for your stated goals.  These will not be graded, however should be updated regularly; trust me it will help you.

#4 – Evaluation meetings with Mr. Wood – Please go here for an example of Meeting updates (my notes on Sam Fox c/o 2012) I will be having with individual students regarding their own personal agenda.  Your goals and grades will relate to your personal efforts, however if you look at Sam’s notes you’ll get an idea of what we are trying to accomplish.

#5 – Examples Below of all of the stuff you need to get moving.  Thank you Haley… Keep in mind the following examples are not you.  Tailor your documents to your strengths.  Get out there and get moving on letters of recomendation.

  • Go here for an example of an activities sheet.
  • Go here for an example of a personal statement.
  • Go here for an example of a resume.
  • Go here for an example of a letter of recommendation.

Everything Else is up to you.  The world is waiting…you can either procrastinate the inevitable – and hide from the challenges and adventures that await you – or you can set the rigging and prepare to sail.  I will be here for you to help set the compass – should you choose the latter.  And I will do all I can to shove you out to sea should use seek to stay at anchor.

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