A.C.T! Requirements for – MP #2

  • Go here for PDF of A.C.T! MP #2 Guidelines.
  • Go here for PDF copy of Probationary contract.
  • Go here for PDF copy of examples of superior article evaluation.
  • Go here for PDF copy of student letter to Michigan Representative.
  • Go here for PDF copy of student letter to United States Congress.
  • Go here for PDF copy of student letter to Muskegon Chronicle.
  • Go here to find web, phone, and address to elected representatives.

In the second marking period A.C.T! groups will begin to contact various groups in order to:

  • learn more about your issue.
  • assert political pressure on elected representatives.
  • influence the voting public.
  • solidify ties with like minded organizations.
  • send a challenge to organizations that conflict with your Mission.

This portion of the assignment will be via US mail or the Internet.

Every A.C.T! Group must write a letter of correspondence (one for each student in the group) to various selected organizations. In the event that we have a group of five – five letters will be required.   We will learn how to compose a quality letter.  You will have various guidelines to go by.  All letters must be typed in 12 point font with one inch margins and should be no longer than a single page.  You may submit letters via E-mail, however E-mail letters, like regular mail, must be okayed for sending by Mr. Wood.  I will NOT clear a letter that has any misspelled words, or does not convey what I think is a coherent message.  You may run the letters by me as many times as you wish.  When a letter is cleared it counts 100%.  If it is not cleared by due date that letter counts 0% no matter how many times you’ve rewritten the letter.

The due date for A.C.T! MP #2 letters and articles is Friday, November 30 – 3:00 PM.

Your A.C.T! group must also continue in MP#2 to broaden your knowledge base on your issue; consequently you will be required to research more articles (one per group member)  This time we will eliminate the Quote and the Question.  Your format stays the same for everything else –  However – replace the term Evaluation with Reflection.  And here I expect substantial improvement.  Your article evaluations will include your active notation on the article as part of the grade.  So make sure to include your work up copy of the article in your A.C.T! Notebook.

Please go to above PDF’s to find specific requirements and suggestion in regards to MP requirements.

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