Take a look!

Assignment is due by Wednesday November 13 11:59 PM.  It’s thirty points.

Everybody in this class is gone…gone…gone…next year.  

You maybe be in Germay or Ghana or at Ferris University, MCC or GVSU or Brown University in Rhode Island.  Because of that our focus remains the same – what will you be doing in the Fall of 2014?  That’s key for all of you.

With that in mind I will continue to move you in a direction that forces you to take on issues that deal with the inevitable.  So, this assignment is again a google docs assignment.  Everybody is included on this one.  Germans, Ghanans, Pauline, and Americans.  So, here’s the deal…

You may choose to comment on one of four paragraphs located here.   I’ve provided links surrounding three issues 1 – Careers and College majors.   2 – Four year degrees are not for Everybody.  3 – Smart poor kids can go to really good colleges.  4 – Take a gap year.  Pick one of the four.

Whichever route you choose do the following

  1. Listen to or read the links provided.
  2. Go to Google docs and send Mr. Wood a post of 400 words minimum.
  3. That post needs to deal with one of four topics and  each of the links noted within those topics – I want you to read the articles and listen to the podcasts.  And comment on them…I guess I was a bit unclear when I laid down the guidelines.  This is a free write, however within the context of the posts.  I want to know what you learned from them…what do they say.  Don’t just start rambling about the topic.  I want to know what was said in the linked pieces.  Sorry about the misunderstanding.
  4. Title the google docs – with your issue (Traditional careers or Non traditional career or Poor kids – good schools or gap year) that you are covering and your name.   And then talk.

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