Sin Nombre


How bout some creativity on the Google Docs – 400 word minimum – take one of the two main characters and talk to me in their voice.  Assignment is due by 11:59 PM Thursday February 6.  Share it with me.  Allow me to edit.

Sayra – set the stage…where is she?  How old is she?  What has happened?  Tell me her story.  First person.  You can take her just about anywhere you want to…make sure to think back to the events of the trip North ( in some aspect).  It does not need to be a recap of the movie.   This can go where you want it to go.

Casper – I know some of you wanted to take Casper’s role in this google docs piece.  No problem.  However, this will be a little more difficult – in part because he is dead.  How bout if you place the setting – the night before they reach the river.  I’m not sure where he slept…was it in the car on the trailer…or were they in the shelter by then.  Or was it on the road?  I can’t remember.  If you do Casper do it at that time.  First person please.

How bout some life.  Some creativity.  Get inside her skin…and her head.  And inside of her heart.




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