ME and MY Future – A Pecha Kucha

This year’s Senior Current Class entered the realm of Pecha Kucha.  Elephants have souls.  Praise the Lord.

The Assignment…ME and My Future (A Pecha Kucha).  Counts as a 100 point assignment for MP #6 and 50% of your Final Exam.  Please go here for available sign up times.   Go here for a reminder of what makes a good Pecha Kucha.

And so, lets stick with it…and use the format for one last SCI Assignment.  A Pecha Kucha video – from you to you.  You know the Pecha-Kucha-Posterformat – 20 slides for 20 seconds.  You know that less is more, and that if you talk instead of read from note cards, that your production flows.  You know the subject for God’s sake.  IT’S YOU!

The future is a path – not a place.  Yours is so filled with possibilities.  Lay out some of them in this assignment.One requirement only – 10 of the slides must have something to do with the future.  Everything else in your hands.  Schedule ten minutes between Now and Wednesday May 28 – 3:00 PM  –  Provide me your list of twenty slides– play it and talk.  I  will video tape it.  If you choose Tuesday May 27 or Wednesday May 28 you may come in anytime between 8:00 and 9:00 AM.  Check above for available sign up times.   Anyother days prior to May 27 you can do the presentation during SCI or during my plan 10:00 to 11:00 AM or After School.  You may bring an entourage with you to watch and cheer – or it can be just you and me.  Your call.

I will record your presentation and save it in MP3 format.  Provide me an email address or if Facebook is still around I’ll use that as an online contact.  And at some point down the road – I’m not sure when on this one – I will send you a little reminder – a  video of you telling you – about your dreams and hopes for the future.

Thanks guys.  I”ve enjoyed being a small part of your educational run here at Oakridge.  You’ve inspired me to believe there is a  voice for hope trying valiantly to escape this Pandora’s box of a world.  Make sure to use yours to the fullest!  I wish you all of the very best.  We truly need your generation to see the light and chart a course for common sense and justice.  Let me know of anything that I can do to help your on your journey.

Salam Alaykoum.


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