What do you know? / Paying for College Survey / Econ 2016

We will be spending the next month in Economics on an issue that is essential to your future.  What are you going to do when you get out of Oakridge; how will you create valuable human capital and how are you going to pay for it?  Some pretty big challenges await.  Post high school training is a necessity in this highly competitive globalized economy.  You can’t go into this thing blind, and you cannot go into it lazy.  A high school diploma is virtually worthless in today’s society; we need to lay some solid groundwork on what comes next.  And we need to do it with eyes wide open.

Let’s start with this survey.  It’s fully anonymous.  Nobody will know its you; me included.  But the fact that you are honest and detailed in answering the questions should give us a good start on a very very important study.  So…take your time. Check your spelling.  And do your best work. We will thoroughly discuss the responses as a class.

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