Category Archives: X 09 SCI

The VOTE – Final Results


Map and count reflects the final results of the 2008 Presidential Election. On a special note – the second photo reflects the results of Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District. Nebraska along with Maine are the only two states that tally electoral votes on a proportional basis. Obama won Maine’s 2nd Congressional District and it’s one electoral vote.

  • Obama / Biden – 365 (53% popular vote total)
  • McCain / Palin – 173 (46% popular vote total)

To all of you who joined with us these past nine weeks on “The VOTE”, thank you so much for your input – we particularly appreciated all of the teacher comments. The dialog was exciting for us. For those seniors who posted their podcasts, articles, and questions – great job! You kept us all informed. It is now up to all of us, students and teachers alike, to continue to watch and read, and to participate in this democracy, by holding the new administration accountable for their actions in leading the United States of America. Democracy is a participatory event – EVERY DAY – Not just Election day.

On this last edition of the “The VOTE” we have two podcasts. Go to New York Times – Election Results while you listen. Podcasts coincides with photo of map in room 112, located at the top of this post.

Special Note the podcast does not work in Firefox browser.

Podcast #1– Is a standard 5:00 podcast on the Electoral Results from November 4. It was created by – Angelina Mosher, Charity Wilde, and Mr. Wood.

Podcast #2– Is more indepth (14:59) and is the focus of this weeks extra credit question. Podcast #2 is Corey Swanson’s interpretation of the results on Nov 4. I think you’ll find it enlightening. We hope that you choose to listen to each and comment one more time on our blog. Thanks!

News Article – The Australian – Why Barack Obama’s Win Matters to the World

Question – Your question for podcast two is four part. Listen to Corey’s evaluation of the outcome of the election. Identify three things that he notes swung the election to Barack Obama. State his postion and provide your thoughts on each of the three. Number 4, read the news article selection and answer the following question. How do you see a Barack Obama presidency differing from that of George Bush in regards to foreign policy, and what impact will it have on the world?

Any posts on this final edition of “The VOTE” must be made by 7:00 PM on Saturday November 15. Posts can count up to twenty-five points extra credit.

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To all Oakridge students who volunteered in the 2008 Election Democrat and Republican. You did a wonderful job. You made a difference. You changed your world. You are awakening.

Check out the photos from Obama HQ on election weekend.

Letter to the Editor – Muskegon Chronicle – to Oakridge Students from Mr. Wood.

Letter to Oakridge Volunteers for Obama – from Steve Anderson

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  • If you choose to do this assignment it must be posted by 8:00 PM EST (Eastern Time Zone Poll Closing) on Tuesday Nov 4.
  • You may earn up to 35 pts extra credit (3 pts per state) 5 pts for all ten, for a superior effort.

This blog assignment is simple but challenging. The outcome of the 2008 presidential election will come down to the vote in ten crucial swing states. The New York Times has covered each of these states independently. If you read these summaries you will understand Tuesday night’s Electoral results so much better.

In order to earn the extra credit you must do the following:

  1. Read each separate state summary
  2. Post (in your own words) your evaluation of the situation in that particular state as reported by the Times. In your summary tell me what you see as the most significant issues brought up in the article. Add your own thoughts and opinions into the summary.
  3. Come up with a snappy headline in quotes, something that captures the win like “Obama lassos McCain in Montana.”
  4. Finally choose which candidate (Obama or McCain) will take that state. (your choice has NO bearing on your grade)

When posting do so in the following manner –

  • Note the name of the state – IE – MICHIGAN
  • Note the number of electoral votes – IE – 17
  • Identify who you think will win the state – IE – TYLER DARNELL
  • Write your snappy headline in quotes
  • Write your summary
  • Skip a line or two before the next one.

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A Wolfies pizza and a big fat Mountain Dew to the winner!

Leave your comments about – numbers, Obama surprise state wins and McCain surprise state wins. Say WHATEVER you want to SAY…but start your post with your final numbers / and follow it up with a brief reason why

remember…a Wolfies pizza and a big fat Mountain Dew to the closest prediction. First post online that gets the total correct wins – YOU MUST POST before the polls close on the East Coast – 8:00 PM EST Tuesday November 4.

For one last look at the Electoral Map check out Real Clear Politics.

PS…don’t forget the Electoral College has 538 votes. So bring your fingers, toes, and a calculator.


Filed under X 09 GOV, X 09 SCI, X Weekly LP's 09

My Vote is up for Grabs!



I’m an old high school friend of Mr. Wood. I had the pleasure of catching up with him recently at his MSU tailgate @ the Northwestern game….blocks from my house. HIs was the only tailgate with an Obama sign staked in the ground next to the food….and a picture of Obama himselt on the cookie jar!
Anyway, he said you all can help me with my dilemma….my vote is up for grabs!

Not sure there is enough room to lay out my dilemmas….so I’ll just start with Education:

  • I like that McCain wants to give more money to Community Colleges….anything to support extended education.
  • I don’t like his idea of giving parental choice of schools and vouchers for private schools….just not practical.
  • I like that Obama wants to change the No Child Left Behind law as it is flawed and not working! I’m all for changing the current status of teaching to standardized tests.
  • I kind of like his tax credit plan for college expenses for students who perform 100 hours of community service a year.

Anything else you can add for or against these guys to help me decide who gets my vote on this issue?

Thanks.  Sharon

And I, Mr. Wood will provide you a little bit more info in order to get to know Sharon. She grew up in Kalamazoo – was an All-State tennis player at Kalamazoo Central. She went to MSU when I went to MSU. Sharon graduated with a degree in Business or Advertising…either way – she was a big time executive on the East Coast with Pepsi – for a few years. Nutrasweet Corp hired her away from Pepsi – she moved back to the Midwest, married Todd who also went to MSU, and they live in Chicago just north of Evanston. She has two kids, who both attend high school at New Trier High School in Wilmette. It’s one of the finest public schools in the United States. She currently does some business consulting and has her own small business creating jewelry. She’s a pretty smart gal..or she wouldn’t be asking for your assistance in this decision.

One more thing…she really is undecided. Locally, she’s voted as a Democrat in the past, nationally as a Republican. Any questions that you have for her – or thoughts that might help provide her some insight into your candidate selection in this Election, I am absolutely sure will be contemplated with total sincerity.

So, please say “Hi” to Sharon Grover.

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