Tag Archives: college funding

College Talk #2 – The Bill…How to pay for it ALL

ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE – Tuesday November 25.

For all things college – go to our website – building a better world.net.  Please go here for extra credit assignment in discussing this material with mom and dad.  Go here for College Talk Review – “Podcasts and Websites”

It isn’t just about deciding to go to college.  It’s about choosing the right one and planning for the cost.  A two or four year collegiate degree can be expensive.  If you aren’t smart about the process you can be saddled with debt that will last long into your adult life.  The key then, becomes, figuring out how to navigate the mind field of college costs; and making it to the finish line without mortgaging your future.

The most serious mistake you can make in this entire college challenge is to sign on every dotted line and take out every loan that comes across your plate.  The second biggest mistake is to fear debt so much that you don’t go to college.  The key is to go eyes wide open, to learn all that you can learn, and to make wise decisions.  That and apply for as many loans and financial aid as you can get your hands out.

You can do this if you are smart about it.   Good luck:)

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College Talk Warm UPs – Extra Credit NPR Podcasts

National Public Radio, Marketplace, and The World have done some solid investigative journalism with College Funding and the challenges it poses.

Unknown-2Below I have linked several of these podcasts.  They run in length from 4:00 to 7:00. We will be listening to some of them in our 15 minute Economics warm ups.  If you would like to dig deeper; I’ve provided extra credit options.  Specific assignment and due dates are linked below with each corresponding podcast.  Extra credit assignments will count as a 3% bump on  Marking Period Grade.  For full credit the assignment must be thoroughly completed and turned in at the beginning of class on the date noted.  If you aren’t going to dig in deep on this  – don’t bother to do it.

Please make sure to LISTEN to the podcasts.  While NPR often provides a partial text and transcript of the show – its quality comes through when you listen to it.  Finally, my suggestion is that you listen to each podcast two times – once for notes and once without – you’ll do a better job on the assignment and gain more from the experience.  Also, for the ones that you find particularly informative – sit down with Mom and Dad, listen together and talk about the topic…it is essential that Mom and Dad are also educated on the challenges of college funding.  These podcasts will help  to make that happen. Continue reading

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Nicole Depender Congrats on the 25!

…for re-taking your ACT from 22 to 25.  

The ACT will never fully define your educational value.  That being said, in this standardized “brick in a wall” we-have-to-measure-everything-in-the-classroom world, your final score has significance; fortunately not nearly as much as some think.


I’ve always believed that your ACT score opens doors; seldom does it close them.  You don’t even need the test to get into MCC.   In addition I’ve seen a lot of low ACT scores overcome by high GPA’s to gain university acceptance.  Public universities are looking for more than a test taker, even if public schools seem to think otherwise.  Your attitude, your effort, your intelligence, your extra-curriculars, your GPA trends, volunteering and sports participation and clubs and blogs and an ability to write a compelling essay – are all as significant or more vital in taking the next step, than your standardized ACT final tally.  I would also say that they are a lot more reflective of predicting success at that next level.

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Mom and Dad and You working together to pay for college

Please go here to download a copy of the assignment.  Write your answers on this paper.  . 

We’ve spent a lot of time in Economics reviewing the “Cost of the College” and credible options in paying for it.  Many of you have done a very toon615very good job.  One thing that we have not addressed however, is the significance of teamwork between you and your folks.  This college thing is huge.  It’s expensive.  It’s probably the most significant financial decision that you will make in your entire life.  Things that big you do not do on your own.  You need to work with mom and dad.  The more you know, the more they know, the more you communicate with one another – the better chances for success.  With that in mind I am offering you an extra credit assignment that includes – you and them and both of you working together. Continue reading

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