Tag Archives: college scholarships

Mom and Dad and You working together to pay for college

Please go here to download a copy of the assignment.  Write your answers on this paper.  . 

We’ve spent a lot of time in Economics reviewing the “Cost of the College” and credible options in paying for it.  Many of you have done a very toon615very good job.  One thing that we have not addressed however, is the significance of teamwork between you and your folks.  This college thing is huge.  It’s expensive.  It’s probably the most significant financial decision that you will make in your entire life.  Things that big you do not do on your own.  You need to work with mom and dad.  The more you know, the more they know, the more you communicate with one another – the better chances for success.  With that in mind I am offering you an extra credit assignment that includes – you and them and both of you working together. Continue reading

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