Tag Archives: Senior Current Issues

March 27, 2014 – A day of reflection

Reflections from Oakridge High School….On Thursday Kelly Snow (OHS c/o 2014) invited

IMG_1280Reverend Bill Freeman into our classroom. Reverend Freeman married 58 same sex couples in Muskegon on Saturday March 23. He spoke with us intimately about last Saturday, about those couples whom he joined together, he talked of his calling to the ministry, his stay in jail, and his life’s work to fight non-violently for peace and justice. The setting and exchange was soft. Bill perched on a chair in front of the room. He didn’t preach about religion or politics. He shied away from no question. And he opened up his heart to all; a couple times it got a little emotional. He stayed overtime and talked with two classes. We all laughed a lot Continue reading

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