Baking at Charity’s house Sunday

Here are the names of those bringing things to my house Sunday:

1 bag of brown sugar – Courtney Berghuis
1 bag of pretzels – Kayley M
1 bag of powdered sugar – Tricia Schmiege
1 carton of a dozen eggs – Devyn Crane
1 or 2 brownie mixes – Tyler Darnell
3 bags of semi sweet chocolate chips – Sam Ferrier
3 boxes of real butter (4 sticks to a box) – Autumn W
2 chocolate chip cookie mixes – Jessica Jenkins
2 sugar cookie mixes – Kaylie Payne

Please remember to bring these items and to check the blog for directions to my house.Ā  Please call me if you have any questions at 788-5295 or email me at and I hope to hear from you soon other wise I will see you Sunday! Thanks a ton….

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0 Responses to Baking at Charity’s house Sunday

  1. Charity.

    It’s a little late for that know Mr. Wood ;0)…only four people showed up. We had a great time, just ask sam :0)…

    How bout Thank you mr. Wood?

  2. Charity.

    :0)…Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart Mr. Wood, because everything that I do, I can’t do it with out you or your input. Every thing that you have to say is important… :0). But seriously, this means that the money will be split up so much easier and we will earn more. So I definitely see this as a positive. Oh and you will never believe what movie I saw last night….I went with my sister and her friend to see Twilight. I have to say that it was really good. I will chit chat with you about it tomorrow…and you can’t say that you’ve lost all respect for me because you HAVE to talk to me, because you depend on me for half of the things that need to get done, am I right or am I right? :0)

  3. nyssa swanson

    I have to give it to you. Great job on putting so much effort in to this.

  4. nyssa swanson

    Mr. Wood
    I had a quick question about getting donations. If I am able to get some again this year for the Selma trip, will it work the same as it did for close-up?


  5. Rachel Stewart 3rd Hr.

    hey charity,

    i know i wasn’t at your house today, but i just made like 40 no-bake cookies for tomorrow, so i hope that’s ok. =/


  6. Charity

    It was AMAZING! I really went to go see it just because of Edward :o) but it was so good. I makes me want to read the books.

  7. Jessica Jenkins

    charity how will the money from the bakesale is it for the people who baked and worked or no?

  8. Charity.

    The money will be divided up to the kids who baked and brought things in.

  9. Jessica Jenkins

    okay um how much money did the bakesale make!!

  10. Charity.

    About $100

  11. Jessica Jenkins

    Charity I have info in the Pizza ranch fundraiser. When is the next meeting?

  12. ..Charity..

    Sometime next week hopefully…

  13. Jessica Jenkins

    okay i’ll just give you the information then

    the days we can do it are monday and wensdays
    from 5:00 to 8:00
    minimum 2 adults and 5 students
    time slot has to be reserved
    we can do it every 2 to three months but only one day
    get tips and 10% of the house take
    on dine in, take out, delivery from hrs 5 to 8

    they encourage us to get at least 50 people who to come, suggest make flyers to hang at school and to put on the tables, they put tip cups out
    suggest telling church, and tell parents to tell people at work.

    Responsibilities of students
    – busting tables
    -cleaning up

    Adults responsibilities
    -help out
    spots fill up quick have to reserve quickly