A New Way to Use PDF’s – pdfescape.com

Special Note:  You can save your work in PDFescape, go back and reopen it, and continue working.

You will have many assignments in Government, Economics, and Senior Current Issues, as well as in future college courses, that use a PDF format with soda pdf.  Until recently you have had to write longhand on these assignments.  PDF escape allows you to download the PDF file and type directly on to it, save it, and print it and turn it in for a grade.  This process will allow you to organize better and to edit your answers as you type them.  It’s really much more efficent than the old long hand route.  So please take a look at http://www.pdfescape.com/

And follow these directions…

  1. Click edit your pdf now.
  2. Load PDF from the Internet.
  3. Get the PDF URL from the Buddha blog – copy it from the blog.
  4. Go back to pdfescape and paste it into the appropriate box.
  5. Load the URL that you pasted in -“Voila” assignment is onscreen.
  6. Go up to the six boxes on the left and click “Text.”
  7. Go back down to the PDF and start typing.
  8. When finished you may save and print the PDF with your answers.
  9. To save your file, reopen it at a later date, and continue working on the same file, do the following:
  10. To save click on the green arrow to the left – “save and download”
  11. Go to bottom of the screen “save as” – to save it on the hard drive
  12. To reopen and use – open up pdfescape and “Upload” go to browse.
  13. This will open your original pdfescape document – continue working.

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Filed under 1 Senior Current Issues, 2 Government, 3 Economics

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