Tag Archives: reflections

Reflections – daily journals

Beginning this Marking Period II, I expect all Economics and Government classes to bring their reflection books to class.  These journals will bethe-thinker used for in-class assignments approximately two to three times a week.  Their usage will be unannounced, however if you don’t have your reflections book with you on the day we  have an assignment, you’ll receive a zero on Reflections for that day.

Reflections Purpose and Process below…

  • Purpose of “Reflections” – to think, and to reflect in journals.  To use those reflections as a basis of discussion.
  • Announcement of “Reflections” – a white board hanging daily outside my door  will announce which classes are assigned reflection for the day.
  • Direction of “Reflections” – A statement will be up on the  white board, or I will issue one orally at the beginning of class.
  • Process of “Reflections” – I’ll provide parameters, you provide the insight.  Simple…think and reflect.  Ten minutes max.
  • Grading of Reflections – five points if you bring it and you write.  Zero if you don’t.  I’ll pull three journal random at the end of the process and grade them for effort (twenty point assignment).  Journaling totals will consist of a accumulated 100 point Homework grade at the end of each Marking Period.  You will not be allowed a pass or a tardy to go get your journal…so don’t forget it.
  • “Reflection” Follow Up – we may just put our pens away and move on.  Or we may talk about your ideas.  Depends on time for me and inspiration by you.
  • Final Thoughts – Is for you to think three dimensionally – and for us to talk about them.


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Reflection Explanations – Assignment Part II

Assignment due posted to Google Docs by 11:59 PM Friday October 18.  Worth fifty points.

You all now have some kind of Reflections Journal book.  We will use these books the remainder of the school year  Mr. wood for specific in class written assignments.  We will begin that process in the Second Marking Period.  But first – we will do one more assignment (50 points) in regard to your creation.

For the front I asked you to create a composite of your life.  Many of you did that with photos.  Others used drawings and quotes.   Now I need for you to introduce me to that production.   To the right you’ll see reproduction  of my Reflection book.  Below, you’ll notice that I’ve drawn an outline of it as well.  On the outline, I’ve numbered (and titled) each of the particular featured photos/drawings on that Reflection book.  I want you to do the same – whether you have two or twenty-two photos.  If you have a quote box it or write it and count it as an item. Continue reading


Filed under 2 Government, 3 Economics